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Transformative  Technologies

Energetic Mechanical Engineering, -  as energ. Environmental -  plus Medical Technologies

 -   See please at  - 







plus  NAMASKAR  dear Ladies and Gentlemen





Here the Patents and Innovations of Mr. Florian Meyer

(-  if signed with blue asterisks *** - then in collaboration with other - or from extern inventors and/or developers  )  :

                       1         Multi-variable and easy to store Dining Table


                                -   with a very beautiful and nice design and astonishing mechanism 

                    2         Surface supporting Structure , technical Feasibility of multi - and amorphous - shaped

                               Injection Moulding Glass Surface Structures

                               -       which enables us to build up house roofs or walls or single items -  by spraying melted

                                       glass-dropps towards glass fiber fabrics or multi-material reinforced fabric layers from

                                       Aramid-, Carbon- or Basalt fibres etc. , -  highly natural bionic glass forms and structures


                    3         Vane Profile with significantly increased performance for Savonius Rotors


                                Was the University of Munich once researching for the optimum Savonius- flow-profile ; -

                                this new profile is just optimizing the original one from Munich through building it alike a

                                special wing-profile , -  where the peripher wind-induced counter-flow resistances are

                                greatly reduced and asymmetric Darrieus-pofils can be used for optimum flow in the back-

                                flow from here, which could significantly increase the overall efficiency with so much simp-

                                ler and also highly stable construction, especially in larger plants.  

  4         Spindle-Drive with multiple bearing Spindle , to achieve elevators for save vertical -  plus

                               horizontal drive lift or move of the cabin inside the same system ;


                               -     so vertically to other floors and heights plus to other horizontal directions at the same

                                     time , whereas the cabins could also wait or been turned around the spindle centre .


                              -      Another option is a room elevator without of any seen spindle-pillar in the room -  build

                                      alike a sofa or a single armchair, - where while sitting upon,-   it can be  ( -  including - or

                                              without of its floor-part )  lifted to a second or third floor,  - whereas the needed spindle drive

                                      mechanism is hided subfloor with an intern telescopic retraction mechanism under the

                                      seat ... what´s certainly highly amusing as well as fun.for elderly people to reach other

                                      floors inside of their residencies.  


                                      -      The probably round floor element either fits into a similarly shaped ceiling recess

                                              flush ;  or the corresponding ceiling element gets its own - retracting or partially

                                              sliding side-ways.

                    5         Conduit- or Pipe-System for Neutralising and Transforming subtle Energy Fields ,


                               -     based on pressure-flow deflection profiles, -  together with a  ( -  here also in reminiscence of

                                              the flow-forms of Mr. John Wilkes ... )  lemiscative conduction- or line node ; -  which at first

                                      seemed to be very useful, -  but on closer examination in tests and analyses  ( -  here also

                                              taking into account all the in the same principle functioning flow-steering profiles of Mr. Victor -  and Walter

                                              Schauberger / Austria ... ; -  ) turned out to be completely useless and counterproductive ...      

                    6         Lock System has individual or interacting return springs, an insertion security cylinder, a

                               securit pin and a security actuation body

                    7         Rotary Drive and/or Rotary Motor for Invasive and/or Expansive Drive Media. 


                               -      Working in a closed system without of to the outside coming combustion-fumes.


                               -      Runs with the explosive pressure of a nearly permanent Bleve-Jet  ( -  maybe with Bu-

                                               tane gas ... )  as well as with the  ( - though the explosion here also automatically caused )  under-

                                       pressure or vacuum on the other side at the same time ;


                               -      has a central and or peripheral rotation-drive mechanism without of any Imbalance or

                                       any fiddling around ...

                    8         Kite-Yacht Concept ; -  especially for principally or additively used Kite-  or Flettner-Kite


                               -      Kite-Drives developed ( - if necessary also partially combinable with each other) Ship-, Yacht-  and

                                       Boat Concepts


                               -      which enables us for example to have a highly narrow underwater hulled principle Mo-

                                      no-Yacht with a small security-Ama - outrigger construction , where the Aka -  or out-

                                      rigger-beam could be used as a -  the Kite-forces automatically balancing to a neutral

                                      horizontal boat- or ship- water-position or state , -  that the outrigger ( - except fully flat be-

                                              fore the wind  )  could be  ( - support-wheel accordingly )  nearly always kept or driven highest

                                      effective outside the water !


                              -      Has a Flettner-Rotor nearly a 14 times higher efficiency than a same sized wing, -  several

                                      maybe also inflatable structured Flettner-Rotors could also be designed like an airplane

                                      wing- and body structure - with several horizontal rising rotors for lifting and steering. - 

                                      which could additionally significantly optimize ship propulsion compared to a kite pro-

                                      pulsion ...


                   9         Belt- or Pocket-Belt Turbine,                                                                            

                                -      Highly effective also decentral mobile or only seasonal used River- or Tidal Power



                                -      Highly stable , low-cost and long-life plus low-maintenance with highest mechanical

                                        power output also for bridge-crossings and the use at bridge-piers, - for mobile opera-

                                        tions with fold-out and submersible trailers or installed as combined amphibious drive

                                        and water-power-plant of a then for energy-production rightly anchored or moored



                                -      They are completely permeable to fish on both sides without dams and without any
                                        necessary obstructions, plus also permeable to boats


                                       -     and could be also used for sucking up all fishes safely over weirs in the

                                              behind protected tailwater in the process of rotating showel return ...


                                       -     where it is e.g. possible to construct an permanently electricity generating kayak-

                                              and kanu boat-lane together with a the fishes sucktioning upstream real alternative

                                              to the highly costly traditional fish ladders with concrete walls and flow chambers ,,,, 


                                -      They could be also used -  with the help of a folding mechanism with adjustable back-

                                        flow function of the top water -   as river flood control systems or for urban weir sys-

                                        tems, -  without of the need of big additional walls and huge founding walls or concre-

                                        ted river beds  ...

                  10        Decentralised  (
- in principle Vertical-Rotor- Wind- or Water-Power Plants.


                              -       In further revision and flow analysis of patent No. 3 - for the highest effective use in or on

                                       building structures on roofs, on wall-edges and so on within rural and urban structures

                                       or wherever back-stream vortexes are anyhow rotating

                  11        Rogue Wave Protection-System for Large Ships


                                 -      especially based on the injection of high-compressed air, -  as on spring-loaded

                                         protection shields , both at the most effective frontal - or bow point or bow area.


                                -      also large merchant ships -  like container-ships and so on -  could be constructed alike

                                        a lorry-trailer-combination ,


                                        -     where a smaller but well driven front-ship ( - driving in the ( -  the loads and goods carrying ) 

                                                         main ship´s front or ahead )  is connected through a vertically movable boom- or trailer-

                                               arm in this way , that the ship ahead has the power to direct and stear the main hull

                                               as well  as riding as a cushioning buffer over the coming rogue waves ...  


                                       This front or ahead driving ship could be constructed like this , that it could be separa-

                                       ted or disconnected from the bigger main ship ;


                                       -      that the main ship holds the main motor weight plus the main fuel-tank ,


                                       -      whereas the main drive and main propellers of the front ship are connected through

                                               a hydraulic gear-drive with the main ship ,


                                       -      and in cases of emergency or leasure times -  the front ship could be used ( -  then

                                                         with its smaller built-in engine inside )  as a highly manoeverable fast and long-range far-

                                               distance -  for the entire ship´s crew  ( -  with integrated berths galley showers and heads ... )  

                                               most comfortable resque-vessel , easily able to sail a few hundreds of nautical mi-

                                               les with high power to a safe shore or harbour ;


                                        -     as also to escape possibly pirates , -  where the main ship without of its `lorry ` is for

                                               pirates outsiders and strangers nearly useless. 


                                       The ship movements between the two ships could also be used as an additional

                                       ocean wave power plant. 


                  12       Motor Vehicle-Backlights for short informative-interactive Road Traffic Communication

                  13       Flapping-Wing (
Wind- or Water-Turbine , -  for the highest effective plus low-cost low-

                             maintenance etc. usage in streams, rivers and weirs 


                             -      with a  mechanically ingeniously simple control for the respective vertical or horizontal

                                     turn of the wing or wing-staggers in the respective new drive direction 

                  14 a         A self-tacking Jib that swings automatically and adjustable -  nicely lee-side behind the

                                  Mainsail , that there could be achieved a optimal Venturi-Effect-Drive between both sails


                  14 b         And a bothsides lateral swinging-out Cockpit Riding-out Platform for Monohull-Yachts, for

                                   riding out when sailing with half wind or with diagonally aft winds ; -  for more sailing ef-

                                   fectivity , more speed and fun !  


                  15       An almost ingeniously  -  easy to built and to realize highest stable and nearly indestructible

                             construction-concept for the then optimized start and starting proceedure of Ground-Effect

                              Boats, Yachts and Ships ....


                             -    which enables these kinds of boats also to start highest effectively without of the need to

                                   overcome huge water-frictions ...  


                                   Because of the enormously high waterfriction with ground effect boats or ships they are

                                    "normally" in need of a high motorization to overcome this blockage till they are in the

                                   air ...  -  and once in the air this highpower motorization is fully useless -   and its perfor-

                                   mance must then inevitably be reduced or throttled back ... 


                            -     Using the same sytem with Hoover-Crafts , -  their extreme constructive mass as well as

                                   their extreme susceptibility to crosswinds and drift to be countered - are then both a thing

                                   of the past .

                  16       A residential Eco-House Construction-Concept with a most beautiful multi-purpose sacred



                             -     where ecological concepts , own privacy and a vegtable garden on the roof-top plus

                                    optimum insulation and a atrium with view to the sky inside -  are joining most pleasingly

                                    together  ...

                  17       Super Combustion Motor ( -  30 cm diameter and 25 cm depth )  with kinetic rotation-drive

                             with only 11 main parts ***  



                  18       4-Stroke Super-Motor with only 6 main parts , could be used for Hydrogen or any kind of any-

                             way all non-fossile-  or for synthetic fuels ,


                             -     where its compression pressure ( -  as well as the active volume of the combustion- or the explosion

                                            chamber ...  )  can be varied or easily adjusted ;           

                             -     plus also for a high-compressed Air-  or as Hydraulic Drive ... ***



                  19       Then an ingeniously easy to built high-performance Water- or Airpump ( - without of any bearing

                                    loads )   without of any flow-obstructions , -  or without the need for partial squeezing or

                             compression of the flow media

                  20       A new -  also for emergency-cases most beneficial  Water-Cleansing Technology without

                              of any chemicals  ( -  or without of any need of additional filters or ionic ion-exchangers or resin bed processes 

                                    that are difficult to maintain and reactivate anyway and so on ... ;


                              -      where in an about 20-26 minutes  ( - not cooking - but only -heating up process,  - all impu-

                              rities, dirts, germs, bacteria and viruses, heavy metals, micro-plastics and also arsene and so

                              on ... ( possibly in many world areas also making bigger healthiness problems fluorides are not working , - res-

                                     pectively have to be filtered with other methods  )  are getting bound to the inside of any water in suf-

                              ficient quantity dissolved lime or calcium, -   so that the lime, together with all the impurities,

                              flocculates and seperates as a smoth powder ( -  which is easy to dry and can later be stored in an

                                     environmentally safe way ). 


                             -      The water also becomes most healthy alkaline around 8.2 pH  through the process. 


                             -      There are solutions for every private household, as well as for hotels, sports facilities,

                                     congress halls and hospitals, as well as large industrially scalable systems for the

                                     cleansing of  process water and as a  municipal wastewater treatment,


                             -       Because there are no active moving parts , the apparatuses could work for tenth - till

                                      hundreds of years ...  ; where also the vessels have to be cleaned from the calcuim-

                                      powders maybe only once a month or every few months ...  because the lime pow-

                                      der serves if once manifested or formed -   as an optimal crystallization nucleus  ...  



                            Explanation :    Normally there is no way to achieve anything like this ...  But another Inventor

                                                         was trying his best with about 15 years of hard research -  to find this most

                                                         ingeneous and moost charming solution.


                                                          So he discovered that in a non-turbulent water-non-whirling - but neverthe-

                                                          less heating up situation together with some special substances or a  special

                                                          steel- and materia-type, the water itself reacts fully different  like `normally`

                                                          and then on moleculary levels.  This makes it possible and usable.  ***


                                                          We where working now together over about 15 years.     



                  21       An optimized Flow Recoil-Valve without any moving or anyhow flow-blocking parts , which is

                             working without of any damage or material-fatigue -  also with highest consecutive switching

                             intervals possibly over centuries ...



                  22       Airation-Turbines for all kind of Algea- and Mycorrhizza Productions  ...  - where the algeas are

                              not getting damaged or blended nor crashed.



                  23       Kinetic Drive-System for bicycles with an about 10 times higher output than with nowadays

                              lever-operated bicycles .... *** 



                  24       An all-round high-performance Gearbox -  enabling a relative standstill where a motor could

                             always drive or rotate in his most optimal engine speed ...   It could be also used as a Gear-

                             System and all kind of Machines whereby then the highly robust industrial gearbox is only

                             controlled by a small rotary switch in both forward and reverse gear.


                              -    Using this gearbox as a vehicle transmission , there are no more breaks, braking could be

                                   managed over a 4-wheel diffential -  directly over the gearbox,  where each individual

                                   wheel is driven ( -  nevertheless the combustion- or electro-motor just runs and rotates here just in his opti-

                                           mum revolution ... )   directly . - as well as  ( -  for the first time also in trucks highly safe and highly robust ,

                                           - as without wearing any brake pads ) , where also the braking forces or braking torques can be

                                   also first time almost fully fed back *** 



                  25       A most effiicient highest robust fully wear-free -  and working on the actual effective radius -  

                             Gear-Wheel Geometry, which allows the highest number - up to millions of revolutions , -

                             without of any overheating or crashing ... *** 



​                  26       An most efficient Electronic Pulsing System for reloading of batteries , efficiency-boostering
                             of PC-Photovoltaic Cells, and for Hydrogen-Electrolysers, which powers up nearly every
                             usage to an  180 % Efficiency , -   whereas the inventor tells that an efficiency of 400% would
                             also be possible -  with some additional research. ***



                  27       Last but not least - my most extensive patent with over 203 patent demands  - with several

                             hundreds of single innovations -  for all part of nowadays architectural-, agricultural-, mari-  

                             time-, electronical-, medical-, environmental-, aeronautical-, hydrological-, river-engineering-

                             etc. technologies, -  which are patented under `Vorrichtungen und Verfahren zur Neutralisa-

                             tion und Transformation feinstofflicher Schwingungsfelder´ - respectivly under -  `Devices and

                             Methods for the Neutralisation and Transformation of subtle Vibrational Fields' ,


                             -      technically mostly fully new possibilities of directing and concentrating or spreading

                                     flows and vortexes , including new possibilities of  ( -  thus, in addition, both vertically and hori-

                                             zontally possible vortex rollers, which reinforce each other by suction as well as concentrating together,

                                             utilising rotational torques towards one point )  water power plants ;


                                     -     plus several ways and possibilities to reduce or minimise wall friction losses and sedi-

                                           mentation - through active vortex acceleration with significantly increased flow capa-

                                           city, e.g. inside pipes and pipelines , with automatic cooling down of flowing mediums

                                           through strongest whirl- or vortex activity - what´s a most important benefit for water-

                                           and drinking water qualities -  especially in hotter areas ;


                                    -     as well as to bridge any flow holes or flow traps , -  e.g. in trucks behind the cab ... for

                                           better aerodynamics while driving ...  ;


                                    -     as well as for simple optimisation of aircraft wings etc. to prevent premature stalls and

                                           to generate higher and better lift values even in extreme situations ...


                                   -     plus new ways of filtering and mixing inside or through the rotating vortexes ;


                                   -     where it is also possible to build strong counter-currents by means of an initiation and 

                                          medium main flow,


                                          -    which can be used, for example, to enable fish pulls also over higher weirs by quasi-

                                                automatic fish intake pipes ( -  what´s most beautiful , because it has been shown that fishes like

                                                           to smell the upstream waters and also to regognize the flow to get the impulse to climb ... and be-

                                                           cause here the initiation flow is just next to it at the same pipe exit point -  it will be really function ) ;


                                         -      where it´s also possible to create in 2 ways ( -  or from both sides )  suctioning ship-                                                 ping lanes within strong tidal currents,


                                                 -     or port facilities, which also within strong currents the ships or yachts  ( -  in the

                                                                    flow-between areas possibly additionally generating electricity, - )  simply suck in.

                                                 -     In the same way there could be made or created mainflow initiated rubbish

                                                        traps , where the plastic bags and all the trash in rivers and oceans are sucked

                                                        in through counterflows. 


                                    -     Where this patent is showing also new - more natural ways -  of flood-protection for

                                           rivers and ocean shores ,


                                    -     plus how to enhence the quality of foodstuff and the quality and quantity ( plus pest-

                                                    resitance  ) of yields harvests


                             and so on and so on … ;  - 


                             but also new - or better nicely rediscovered methods for a -  to the nowadays highly

                             multicomplex circumstances adjusted modern VASTU and geomantic healing of whole

                             districts with everything inside - as a whole …


                             -     all together basing on pure natural harmonic and bionic forms ,


                             that our human technology will be and is also on subtle-energetic levels ATMA- and PARAM-

                             ATMA-according with inherent PARAMATMA conscousness,


                                 -     then also for our whole surrounding for animals or plants

                                          -     and subtle beings like the plant-Devas ,

                                                   -    as well as on the microbiotic levels  ( -  then lacto-acid - fermentavive ... 


and so on ...   most healthy, really constructive and beneficial ,


-     what´s most important for an all-round pleasing productive and Soul-according happy

plus successful future for all mankind -  plus of anything else and All.
















With Best Greetings


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B.  Florian Meyer


Energy Purification

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