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“When Bliss returns to YOU !” 

and Case Studies  -  1 till 12  -  `Home Transformations´ Plus
at No 13 -  The MATATEC VASAATHI Benefits

-  and last but not least the `Concluding Remarks´

                                                                  Case 1

                         Very happy and highly pleased to see and experience
                                         the MATATEC DEVATMA Plate ...

          "  Whoever is getting the Blessings of the   
                        MATATEC  DEVATMA Plate
                  -  His Property will be protected   
                              and safe forever ! “

These most exiting words of an also internationally well known Saint
Man ... ;  -  where a few of our clients -  being also his students and deciples where after the MATATEC VASAATHI Transformation of their houses and properties asking him about his visions feelings thoughts and inspirations about the MATATEC DE
VATMA Plate ...

                                  Our real properties are especially our 

  ( -   in nowadays most difficult times - beeing  the essence and most important to keep
                         and to preserve though spiritual practice and  dediication towards
                                The DIVINE ABSOLUTE  -  for ourselves and our real Self

                                             Soul and consciousness !



Once I´ve visited a Saint Man being an incarnation of a special aspect of  Lord SHIVA ... In these times I was working on a mechanical-engineering-project with one his devotees.


Therefore I wanted to tell in short words what I´m doing and what about I was researching for ... and short before just starting with my voice

He answered me just in the same way

I wanted to tell him :


" You´ve found again -

that there are Integrative and

 Transformative Vortex Structures !"

                                                         Case 2

Energetic Transformation of a most touching and heartbreaking  Family-Situation  near Tauberbischofsheim / -  one of the oldest towns in Ger-many

The client´s message :

    "  After my father`s passing away  - my mother was not speaking a single
       word to me as to anyone for about 20 years …

       After Botida´s sight and work (
- just short after getting  known about the situation
         at about 3 pm the day before  ….. ; -  
) – my mother was coming to the next
       morning breakfast and said :

                 "  Good Morning my dear Daughter ...
           -  Today - after father´s passing away -
               we`re first time alone in our house

                      - Come let´s sit and eat.“

From this time onward the mother was speaking to her daughter – most lovingly and friendly -  like nothing has ever happened.


                                                      Explanation :

This poor daughter was taking care sacrifisingly for her mother more than 20 years  -  not even able to found an own family or getting a husband or children , -  because after her father has passed away just shortly after they´ve built their new house at this place -   her mother was not able anymore to speak a single word ...  

Therefore Mrs. M.  has to look constantly for her mother for over 20 years of her most precious young life-time, and nevertheless she was all the time telling her mother about what´s going on ; -  in this case she remained silent ...  and phoned to me just telling that she´s nearly not able anymore to bear the most exhausting situation - and if I could please come and help her ?  

It was just deepest winter at this time with seldom high minus degrees and much of snow and ice just on the roads and highways ... 

       So I told her please to apologize -  but under these weather-circum-
       stances it´s not possible now -  and  I`m definitely not driving -  and
       also not so far distances on thinkly frozen roads ... 

I`ve just told her ahead -  that I`m fully not interested in any stories or fami-ly-stories -  I would trying to help her just by looking and transforming the energy-situation on the inside level ...  and she could phone me back after a few days -   that I know the results or no-results !

She aggreed confidently  - we hanged up  -  and I was starting  (
-  with no single open knowledge about the situation ; -  what I´m prefering in most of my work ...  )  to procceed.

On my inside level it got just clear, -  that in and through this region and valley where their home and house was standing, -  there where over milleniums and milleniums all the time most cruel hords of looting robbing and pillaging soldiers armies and military all the time time by time by time walking or riding through  ...  

This energetic prehistoric-ancient KARMA-field was the most important to overcome ... 

                         -  And then -  Just at once -
               this most precious above result !

                                                        Case 3

               Energetic Transformation of an Emergency Family-Situation
                                 in my Hometown St. Georgen / Germany

The client´s message :   

                                         "  What have You done
                   with all Your fully crazy things !!!" -
           "Nothing - Totally NOTHING  has changed
                                 in my life ... !!! "
          -  " I even can´t see any ghosts again ! "

Explanation :

This at these times just very very young and just heavily pregnant Lady has just moved with her husband and their 1,5 year old baby into a  MATATEC Transformed house, -  they where just buying before from the former ow-ners and from dear friends of myself .

Her husband is an engineer and because he had to work also as a new-comer employee professionally hardly -   so she was mostly alone at home and with too much work at all ends -  in the nights also with too less of sleep -  because her baby-boy was crying -   completely overwhelmed by the situation.

So she saw wherever she was walking standing or driving -  everywhere some ghosts and entities ...  and her husband definitely had no understan-ding whatsoever for this most frightening family-situation.

His dear spouce was not able anymore to stay at night without of lights on ...  She had more and more fear -  and also visits to neighbours where get-ting a horror trip because also here the ghosts where arising from the nowhere   ...

So out of sheer desperation, she was on the verge of admitting herself to a psychiatric clinic immediately if possible , but the previous owners of their new home persuaded her to consult -  or ask me before making such a drastic decision.

So she phoned with me at a Saturday afternoon in a completely over-exci-ted state of mind, where she told me that I had been recommended by my friends, -  nevertheless she has totally no trust in anything like this - what could be only fully none-sence -  and waste of time - and she would also never pay anything for such a crazy however proceedure -  and with her husband she would never tell him anything about , -  he will never aggree ... and so on and so on and so on  ..

        Then I said -  " Okay -  sit inside of Your car and come at once !"  

When she was coming just short before dawn -  I was praying the accor-ding MANTRAMS and proceeded the  MATATEC `AURA Delight´ method , - because I just had known that her new house was energetically optimum and perfect ; -  and it could only be caused by the deficiencies and chal-lenges of her own body-system and AURA ... 

After finishing -  she was leaving highly semi-friendly ...  but  (  -
with no asto-nishment  )   driving back home in dark night  ... what she could never do and risk before -   without of any unwelcome events or incidents ...

Then - because of such a most severe situation especially with psychically unstable persons - (
- "normally" I´d like a recall 10 till 14 days afterwards ...) I was cal-ling her back just on Monday morning - ;  Saturday she had visited me  ....

And she was just very very angry towards me -  and was furiously shouting inside the phone shells   - the above -  for me most beautifully sentence :

            " I even can´t see any ghosts again ! "

Some 2 weeks more, she phoned back again now really gently  -  that now she really recognized a deep change : 

      The ghosts had fully disappeared -   and she had at once the power
                         -   to clean the house and clean the windows !

           This is for many people the most astonishing first reaction
            of a  MATATEC transformed  situation.

But nevertheless she was not willing to pay anything in return ...   That´s life -  and it´s our task to help -  if necessary then also as a pure SEVA -  or as a compassionate act only !

         And the visit of her at the psychiatrists was avoided
                                                                       -    and never necessary again.





Prema Mudita Manasey Kaho Rama Rama Ram

                                                                          Case 4

                 MATATEC–VASAATHI Transformation of a rented Apartment 
                                                     Odenwald / Germany

                                                                    ( -  here only from afar ...  )

The Client´s message :

        “ After 50 years my sleeping problems are finally gone ! ”

    When Mr. Botida F. Meyer  – respectively  MATATEC  inspected the house
       ( - from afar only ) , he concluded that it was not fit to live in.

      It turned out that it had all the unfavourable features one could imagine.

      The house did not face north and the steeply sloping hillside was in the wrong
      direction, so that the life-energy flowed away from the house.

      The basement entrance to the South-West was an invitation to unfavourable
      forces.  The road too close to the house ; -  and a driveway to a garage directly
      in front of the front door.  This was also in the wrong direction of the sky.

      Very interesting, the neighbouring houses had a strong energetic influence on
      the respective houses and families and also on the rented property, or on me.
                          There were also many water veins and house spirits.

      Then  MATATEC   aligned the house to the north
                                                                    and eliminated all energy deficiencies. 

            "  It was immediately noticeable to me -
                           that something had changed enormously ! "

                " My well-being was increased and I settled in." 

      The living room didn't really want to become one, so I called “the expert”
      again for advice.

      MATATEC instructed me to take photos of cables in the basement, where
      electricity and telephone lead into the room.

                 Then he arranged that. It was immediately better.

      I put the bed the way I thought it should be. During a telephone conversa-
      tion I mentioned the position of the bed. 

      It turned out that through my bed-position on inside levels I would favour
      the next move ....

                I suddenly realised why I had moved 30 times in the meantime. I had
                                              always positioned the bed like this.

                                         MATATEC  also took care of this problem.

                      “ Never before, have I woken up so well rested -

      Every time I come home, I look forward to unlocking the door ”

                                          “ It's wonderful ! ”

                   I am deeply impressed by the ability that  MATATEC  provides.

                    They are able to arrange the roughest things from distance

                            -  and finalising the work during an site inspection !     

                                                                                                                        OM JAI MA  Elisabeth

       Additional feedback after some weeks of living inside her new apartment  :

Mrs. Elisabeth  had recognized at once but told it to me a few weeks later -  , that while sleeping in her now  MATATEC–VASAATHI transformed apartment, also an over years highly resistant nightmare has also gone -  and vanished fully :

         She was dreaming nearly every night – and this over years , that the legs of se-
         veral spider-like insects were running or groping around every night over her
         face ;  -  whenever she got awake, these  " Black Spiders "  whererunning away
         in all directions …

                                     But now – " after the MATATEC Transformation”  ,
                        –   this really horrible dream -  has never come back again !


                                  So Yes -  She and five other dear friends of her –

                                        –  I  was helping them in the same way

                                   with their apartments and with several houses

                 in one case wih a bigger village area in the north Spain Cordilleres
                       mountains  ..  and an additional farm in Andalusia / Spain .... .

                       ( -  and also there the almost nightly recurring scary nightmares from 2
                                         from 2 children and siblings -  had also stopped at once ..
. )  

                             -  are now alltogether  -  very very happy !

Mrs Elisabeth is working inside an government office where she was several times phoning please to help -  because of the energetically too exhausting and tiring heavy working situation , - where whenever I was looking inside on inside levels the situation was changing to the good side nearly at once , and even the faces and colour of the skin of all her collegues also changed again towards being alive again immediately.



Then several - so called spiritual -  as also non-spiritual "normal" people said about the DEVATMA Plate things like this :

“ Oh - This is my Energy ! ”
“ This is my Energy !

“When I´ve seen  “the Plate”  first time ,

I have to smile inside !”


- “ I´d never had such a thing in my hands for all my lifetime

-  and Oh - I´m seeing Thee ABSOLUTE -
     I`m seeing Thee ABSOLUTE inside !!!  ”

“ With this Energy I will find myself ! ”
“ Inside this Energy I will come to myself ! ”

Case 5

MATATEC–VASAATHI Transformation of a huge medieval Living House just not so far from the atlantic coast - 
and of an additional newer one -
just in the middle of the also ecologically
and  prehistoric culturally

most charming  Brétange peninsula  / France

( -  Both fully from afar only ...  )  

The Client´s voice :

     “   When I got in touch with  Botida F. Meyer  respectively with  MATATEC  ,  -
I had had hip surgery for weeks and was suffering excruciating pains.

   He did a lot of things as re-organizing

and cleansing the energy in my 2 houses ,
       -  first in the house in the country where I was staying,

when I first called him.

           His action on my hip proved a great relief I could sleep again at night

and could walk better.

My GP and physiotherapist saw the difference.


Botida asked me to do some practices with him, I just had to follow him 

and repeated  MANTRAM  after him.

He also taught me a way to use the sound

“ AUM ”

 -  associated with the breath to heal myself.  
I did it and after a while I just forgot to resort to it .
Every time the pains came back, -  he could dissolve it !

         It ‘s absolutely amazing the way he can “see” what´s wrong 

( -  and also what´s good … )  with our body.

         Today I complained about pain in the buttocks and my right leg

and I knew it was due tothe sciatic nerve. 

I did not tell him anything about it but he saw it !!!

          Concerning my houses - his actions were beneficial also.

         " I have had difficult relationships with my brother and my new house is just in front of his property. 

Since I have lived in this house

he has been aggressive towards me, in quite violent ways

and refused to share any meal or come to my house. "

         MATATEC  said the energies on my house were mixed with the neighbours’  and because of the south-west direction out of my brother´s view
          I represented an energetic danger for him.


Strangely when the neighbours knew someone from Paris was coming

to live there ,  they complained and I must admit

I was looked down for some time ...



 After Botida´s work my brother’s attitude changed  ( -  just at once and nearly in the same hour )  completely

towards me and in general.

  He is more friendly, less bossy ... .


" Now we are on good terms - We have normal  ( - really

     brotherly-sisterly )  family relationships !"

  MATATEC  is a real expert in energy

      -   and does marvels.   ”  


































Is Mrs. A-M -  like many of our clients also an over decades highly skilled -  and also internationally well known healer, -   she was additionally highly surprised that she could measure the through MATATEC achieved new healing energies inside of her houses with her pendulum and the dowsing rod too !

Here especially there are no life-blocking energies anymore and also


      -        computers or the TV ,

      -        the tangle of cables under the desk

      -        as well as refrigerators, ovens,

      -        all anyhow medical apparatuses including artificial teeth , artificial

                limbs and pacemakers

      -        and all machines, appliances and equipment,

      -        including the entire fleet of cars, electric bicycles, motorcycles,

                electric wheelchairs , hearing aids  and so on

      -        or whatever chemicals, fluids, bulk materials and solids


are or where in and around the house and plots , all become energetically calm and still and energetically enter the supra-mental VEDANTA primordial original state. 


There is no polarity here - and therefore no more duality ... 


Likewise, there are no more Bovis units anymore  ...  And food bought in the store transforms automatically when it is transported or carried in a car etc. that has been automatically MATATEC-transformed in this way,

Likewise, all vehicles that were once in MATATEC transformed property and natural areas emit healing frequencies from their exhausts, etc. and so on and so on ....

In the meantime I was helping several friends of Mrs A-M  , one coulple I was several time protecting from buying a und´fortunate or better dangerous to buy properties ; another friend of her - also a Psychologist -  I was transforming also her house and garden  ( here everything from afar only )  -  and she recognized the energetic change in the same way and was highly surprised that her food from the foodstore - just layed for short time into her car -  had afterwards the highest possible amount of healing powers  ( and this without of any additional prayer ... ) !???

          Yes that´s a real miracle and wonder !


And for other friends of Mrs. A-M  , I was asked for please to help for energetic clearing and cleansing of the congress-halls while preparing an international  Healers Congress  ...

Case 6

MATATEC–VASAATHI Transformation of one rented House and 3 own Apartments in and around the greater Munich metropolitan area  / Bavaria Germany

The Client´s voice :

   “    Botida F. Meyer held one of his ` MATATEC Transformation Seminars ´  in

        our association about 3 years ago. The participants learned “to feel”  and

        use the wonderful  MATATEC Energy  themselves. Afterwards Botida  -  

        respectively  MATATEC  transformed our house and other apartments I



       Since that time our house has been a true place of power that does not let

       in all energetic tensions and other stressing influences.


“  We are very happy to be able to live in harmony and peace  -

-  through this unique opportunity ! ”


       A friend from the neighbouring farm could no longer sleep there, she

       came to us and there were no more sleeping problems.  Botida also trans-

       formed some houses of the participants and all of them feel protected

       and sheltered by his work.


"  In these difficult times, this is a real gift from God.

       Unresolved inner problems can also be transformed with Botida´s work .

We are grateful from the bottom of our hearts

        for this "wonderful" gift !    




Is Mrs Christina a highly sensitive lady , a famous astrologer plus being all her lifetime a student and desciple of many wordwide highest esteemed healers ,


   -    before she met me,  she was suffering for 7 years without of real sleep.


After our "Transformation work"  at her rented countryside house at first she was sleeping about 3 weeks -  nearly not understandable for her but supreme happy - very nicely ! 


This following -  is and was the VAASTU-energetic pattern of Mrs. Christina´s rented house - with a former horse stable in the North-East :...  here shown with the according Solar powers , with an additional high voltage line in the South and a transformer pylon also not so far away ...

( - here especially for experts and learning ) . 

Then it started again with sometimes not so sound sleep. But we didn´t know why ? ... till Mrs Christina recognized that she ( -  neverthekless it´s always told and mentioned in all our lectures ...  )  has not told us that she has some more additional apartments in her ownership  ... which have to be looked for also ! 


So this most ambitious VAASTU-situation in one of the 4 apartments of Mrs Christina was now coming to the table  !





From VAASTU view - all over the walls and roofs connected houses - are al-ways -  so also of this city-quarter ( -  maybe projected here originally in the 18th or 19th century and then modernized or built new houses inside , - with an overall edge-length of about 130 till 150 meters , sometimes even longer ... )  on energetic levels reacting as one single building or  house.


So whatever is happening inside good or bad , - holy or criminal , -  the living there or just working there or coming just for a visit people of whole quarter-community will be impacted physically as psychically on some finer or subtle levels.


With all nowadays known traditional VASTU-knowledge, anything like this  ( -  respectively to seperate her apartment inside such a construction as an fully autharc and autonomious site ... ; -  plus organizing that there is no energy-entanglement between the energies of the owners and the tennants anymore ...  ) ,...        

                                         is neither to handle nor to solve !


This following shows inside of a bigger  (  - much too long and also much too narrow in the objectives of a VASTU ideal square )   residential block one of the additional apartments ,


-     where there was the additional difficulty that the tennant  ( not paying the rent for several months )  doen´t allow us to come inside the rooms ... 


           So what to do with the traditional just kown VAASTU knowledge ?  














With Mrs Christina´s rented house No 1  it´s additional interesting, -  that these from a big far-mer rented 2 houses - one the main residency the other one the former horse-stable, -   while getting  MATATEC - transformed, some fields in the near as al-so the farming house at the same side of the street have taken also some energetic benefit, -   because they are both in the same ownership of the same far-mer .

The huge house in the North has not taken an energetic benefit,  but the for everyone here highly important high-voltage-line in the South plus the electric-current-transformer in the North-East had taken the MATATEC-VASAATHI energy without of our additional alertness or view about - just automatically .

   It´s always happening like this
  -   that the Divine ABSOLUTE  is looking what´s important and

                                helpful for everyone and all ,

   - including for the cattle and cows who are normally grazing

                       underneath throughout the farming year ...

Is it with  MATATEC-VASAATHI  always like this , that the full powers and bene-fits are coming or manifesting themselves about 2 till 3 weeks later or after the real proceeded "TRANSFORMATION" and the  RECONSTRUCTION OF THEE DIVINE PRINCIPLE  ,

-     here it was like this, -  that some months later it was coming in a daydream,

       -   that under this house  ( -  one entrance of the cellar with a huge stairway down also in the

          South-West !!! what´s in India always seen as a most dangerous gate of demonic or destructive forces ...  

       like on sub-conscious levels , -  there was an additional and much bigger

       cellar underneath. 


So like in mindful alert healing-traditions we organized that even what´s hap-pening in a related dream  ( - like the here mentioned one )  was clarified in the awake state, - that really nothing dual -  or mind-impacting is remaining.

Is MATATEC-VASAATHI  always clearing cleansing and separating before mixed together chaotic energetic situations, -  towards a soul-according full harmonious whole ,


      -      some clients have fallen in love again with their long years partners or

              spouse  - or first time in their life ... ;


      -      other clients have separated themselves    ( -  and are now after years more then

                    grateful for it ) ; -


                              Mrs Christina has happily married again
                                            and is today

      ( - nevertheless sleep is sometimes supreme , and sometimes little less .. ;

                          fully happy and deeply thankfull !

And with the energetically most difficult farming house in the North of Mrs Christina´s rented house , -   a Munich couple wanted to rent an appartment inside of it , -  but the husband`s inner eye-pressure was raising after just a few hours such dramatically -  that he had to leave to save his sight at once ...


Now after a MATATEC-VASAATHI Transformation there are no problems any-more ;  his eye-pressure just stays fully relaxed and fine -  and the couple is living now most happily inside ,


                               additionally most happy of heaving escaped

                                    the big city`s downtown circumstances ...  

Private Residency Munich

I gave the  M A T A T E C  DEVATMA” Plate  to a lady-priest

inside a famous KALI-Temple who is also living just beside the statue of  Matha KALI-DEVI at these times just for many years.



Asking her about her feelings and visions about this kind of energy  ( -  at this day it was extremely hot and we both.were sweating inside.this temple that the drops were falling down from our brows … and the temple was about.30 met-res long and its entrance with e few monkeys in front was only half open.with a relatively small double-winged wooden door ), . -  she opened her now widely smiling eyes and said :


“ Haven’t You recognized the cool breeze

 coming inside from the ( - there about 20 metres away ) door? ”

And Yes really –  a cool and softly fragrant breeze was coming towards us

on the solar plexus- and heart-level and cooling us down most lovingly and nicely !!!



Then I told her that she could go with all my pleasure to  Mother KALI

to show it to Her directly.


Then I saw that Lakshmi was going to the huge KALI- statue in front of and rounding her sunwise.

Coming then slowly back to me, she told me, that she has asked  KALI-MATHA  :


“ What`s the difference  dear KALI-MATHA 

.    between this kind of energy and You ? ”

.     -    and   KALI–MATHA   answered 




Also I gave the  MATATEC DEVATMA Plate  once to some highly experienced devotees , -  highly trained in deep meditation , who wanted to know - when the energetic maximum will probably be reached of this plate ...


     So they were meditating upon and with this energy   

               for about 2 or 3 weeks and then replied :  


 “ Yes there is no end of this energy

     it´s just widening and widening

               and widening again -

        with highest consciousness

              for everyone and all ! ”


Case  7


MATATEC–VASAATHI Transformation of a Condominium inside of a huge Sky-Scraper in downtown Singapore

( -  working here from far afar-  respectively from South-West of Germany only

Nevertheless the main goal was to transform a single apartment only ,
MATATEC was looking here also for the huge building as a whole ...



A very dear friend was asking for relieve and help  -  so I was proceeding   -


where both ones of this very nice couple -  had recognized at once , -  that the full huge building not only her residency onle -  was suddenly feeling alike an ancient temple  ..

Then I was visiting them in Singapore personally about 2 years later  - also to examine the real energetic outcome or output with all my measurement instru-ments and full exuipment  ...

strictly adhering to ,

not to use any further transformation method for the whole meanwhile

from my only one time treatment;

-   I really wanted to know what was going on ...

and what´s the fact.

Also for me highest astonishingly -   it was exactly like recognized and diagnozed from far afar -   from my South-West German

Black Forest mountain area ...


Only a very few earthbound souls have just remained ; -  for these poor ones has to be always looked and prayed for personally on site

... there is no other possibility

Otherwise the energetic energy level was fully supreme !

-    at the end also with 3 other apartments of parents relatives and a friend.


With anything like this or with such a highest ambitious VASTU-situation of a downtown sky-scraper in Singapore.


          -     with nowadays known traditional VASTU-knowledge , 


-     anything designed or constructed alike this one   -  form VAASTU-view - pardon .      fully chaotic or nearly crazy , it´s never to handle ;  - with something like this ,

                                               - we are `normally´ completely lost !

         -      And also with  FENG - SHUI . - here looking with `MATATEC "AUM"

                  Energy Feeling methods´...  so traceable and remeasurable for every-

                 one else also from afar ...  the real subtle energic outcome is by no

                 means the world either  ;


                -     moreover -  it´s mostly not helping anyhow ... better just holding or

                       assisting the common energetic chaos additionally -  and has

                       nearly nothing to do to bring any kind of harmony or calm ...


But also here in my friend´s flat and house -  just after our " MATATEC-VASAATHI

-Transformation "  proceeded from far afar South-Germany only  ,


-      Mr. Ganesh and his family were highly pleased and more as happy , to

        recog-nize a foundamental energetic change towards happiness and

        supreme peace in their apartment.


Additionally just behind, they had won some  ( - not very much - but first time ever - )  money in the lottery , what was for them a most welcome sign of the now for sure blossoming luck wellbeing and prosperity !

Then I´ve hold a lecture about my `MATATEC VASAATHI Transformation work´ and was showing that inside of a  `MATATEC DEVATMA Meditation`´ beside of the AURA of All -  also the whole surrounding downtown of Singapore -  including of all the flats of the parents of the participants -   where behind energetically transformed also ...


                                    Everyone was happy and most thankful !

In  the evening we´ve visited the residency of the parents in law of Ganesh -  and yes - everything was nicely calmed down and the supramental VEDANTA energy has come down and settled .

Whenever materia or substance has got this kind of spiritual experience,

-   it will never loos it again ;  

no, -  on the contrary, the VEDANTA energy level is getting always stronger

and stronger and stronger  !


Some years afterwards I´ve met also in India some highly skilled French dowsers around a famous psychologist  , -  who were coming to India mainly to recognize and examine the former lives or incarnations of some of their friends ; -  so also they were highly interested towards my researches .


So seeing my energetic main tool  , the MATATEC  DEVATMA Plate Michèle-Marie started to cry and her tears where flowing

from inner joy and happiness !!!  


She said – “ Yes this is the ABSOLUTE ! ”


and her dear husband  Christophe  was measuring and measuring and measuring with his special lecher-antenna for several minutes and then capitulating with   


“ Yes that´s right … It´s the ABSOLUTE ! ”

                                                                   Case  8
                              MATATEC–VASAATHI Transformation of a House
                                          plus Flower- and Vegtable Garden
                                                        in Bavaria/ Germany 
This nice middle aged couple -  and now also very dear friends -  living in this house had big difficulties to find a place to sleep at night for years - especially the nowadays husband was sometime sleeping anywhere between the door jambs of different rooms with the mattress just on the floor, where his dear girl-friend was sleeping in the normal bed ... 
Also the Gent was suffering for years of a severe illness not able anymore to work ...  ( - from ancient Vedic knowledge this kind of illness is possibly also related or connected to the impact influences of a huge Geopathic Stress point anywhere at the plot ... who are always having an radia-tion width - alike an AURA -  plus very dangerous radiation-beams raying alike a sharp knife in the North-South and West-East direction , who could sometimes ray even a view hundret metres and so on ...
so we where starting the VASAATHI-Transformation !
-        At these times I was sometimes on inside levels here with this Client and
          house owner just on my right side -  personally going back to the original
          situation the calamities where starting ... at this place it was about 60.000
          years back , -  and was starting to work up and blessing  the ancient
                           BRAHMASTHAANAM or  Energetic Center Point
          also of all these nowadays houses of this village part -  just around their    
          house .. ;  -  where this nice Guy at once has disappeared and I saw him in
          the distance -  just towards the direction where nowadays their house is
          standing - to through an stone axe behind of someone ,else , which I
          could just catch before anything worse could have happened ...
          and had taking and brought him back and brought him back to the now-
          adays reality   ... 
          then his dear Girlfriend told me that anything like this always happens
          with him also with his Guru-Teacher    ....   and I had to be highly careful
          and alert -  that no subtle energy from this ancients times has come
          though his unconscious action -  to us now to the present time and also
          reverse ...  )  

After this -  I was going back to this very point and finished my work .... 
MATATEC is never interested in any family stories or private stories nor in not so nice energies ,  -  or to measure ahead of a Transfotrmation really life-blocking things  ...

We´re are measuring deeply always behimd -  if anything has remained

So from my feeling the subtle energetic quality was then supreme - and we where checking the whole house garage and garden -  
                  And just everything was most beautifully
                     and saturated with the Divine Powers ... 
-     till Mr. M got the idea to test their pantry or food storage room  ( -  many traditional houses and farm houses in Bavaria are having such most practicable room ...  )  directly behind the kitchen ...

Here he told , -  that there is a point , where he recognized a severe compass needle deviation  - what´s the real sign of this most heavy suggested Geopathic Stress Point I´ve mentioned  ahead  ...

                                                        And  OH WONDER ... 
                                           LIKE ` NORMALLY ´

                                          AND NO DEVIATION
       ( -  and so also -  No whisking of our blood  -  as we walk over it  ...  )  
                                                  ANYMORE !  "

After this occation the couple could sleep in the same bedroom without of any disturbances ... 
       And after a few days another couple and friends where visiting them
       from Switzerland and where just standing in front of the most astoni-
       shed und surprised -  rooted to the spot in front of the garden and      
       then again at the main entrance ...
        -    and following then asking the owners analogously ... 

         " What in the world -  has happened to Your house ...
  The garden already says - do we let these people in here at all
                            -  and then again at the door ,
                                  but even more strongly ... "

Yes this is exactly one result of MATATEC VASAATHI Transformations , that the plots and houses are normally first time in their existence really energetically closed ...  

Nowadays nearly all buildings and houses or plots ( -  regardless of the wall or masonry thicknesses or the safety and locking devices installed, etc.  ) are energetically fully open -  and therefore also telling on subconscious levels to our AURAs to stay open and unprotected - respectively we have to give all the time from our own energy to stay healthy and fine  ... 

After the  MATATEC VASAATHI Transformation  this couple loved it even more to stay at home than going for a work into the nearby forests  ...

Then after a few years I`ve got the idea to beam the houses and properties sometimes into a sphere of pure Divine Light ...

But I wanted to be clear,  that there are no unwelcome side effects - like a possibly shift of time etc. and so on   .... 

So I was phoning again with Mr. M.  because he´s also a highly trained energetic circumstances highest precise qualifying most sensitive guy ... 
                And just before I´ve started to explain him my plan --- he said - 

                                    "Just proceed -  it feels most beautifully ! " 

So I told them that I will proceed sometime in the next few days, knowing full well that I would do this in about 3 hours ...

             And what could I tell You  .... they´ve recognized the subtle change
                                              exactly around 3 hours later  !

Then following , they`ve recognized that their house was even more beautiful and such supreme that they liked it more to stay at home than going for relaxation into the forests ... 

                                                       But not only this ! 
                           Also the bees - living in hives inside their garden
                            changed also their behaviour most wonderfully 
                                    -  to more gentleness kindness so love ...  


                            Today this nice couple is most happily married !



Then I`ve shown "the Plate"   to a highest esteemed elderly long-time devotee -


the former University-Professor 

Prof. Dr. Lakshmi-Narayanan 


and was asking him about his feelings

and experience about . 


He spoke with me longer time about some more mostly medical matters …till at once he mentioned that : 


“ He had recognized just at once , that the energy of the  -M A T A T E C  DEVATMA  Plate  is equal to this


He is experiencing in the highest states of his -over his whole lifetime -  trained meditations !!! ”



Case 10




MATATEC - VASAATHI Transformation of a Hotel Complex
in Gangtok Sikkim / India

( - here only from afar )

The clients where and are the relatives of dear friends, where I was asked to help them.


So I asked for the address and was looking on `Google Maps´ about the energetic situation , -  where I´ve recognized a case of high emergency because in one of the houses there was a really dangerous being and entity …

                                                  I had to look and help at once …


And also just in the middle of a lawn at a deep to the South directed slope - I´d recognized an ancient graveyard with a few people who have not entered the heavens and where just here on earth…



Then phoning with the owners – they where highly surprised what I´ve seen also from afar … ( - here also with a strong water vein from the mountain - exacly there, - where they also had just known it )  and told , that every 2 or 2,5 years they have been visited by 2 Bhuddhist monks from the Himalayas , who have told them several times that at this very point there is a bigger problem – and they would like to pray for… but the years passed and there was not the coming solution…


And now through my short look and friendly view – from far afar


    -   the whole situation has just changed towards the optimum ...

OM BRAHMA 17_edited.png

Case 11


MATATEC - VASAATHI Transformation of the SHANTI ANANDA  Nature Concept School
Mudigubba / Rayalasseema India

(   - Here over several years just from the beginning    

with  AGNI HOTRA Homam 

together with the children teachers and staff , plus dowsing

       for water ,  -  and always directly on site    )

Was MATATEC helping and transforming over the years several schools plus an University Campus in India as a SEVA  ,

-         where it was and is always like this and quite `normal´ 

           -       that the teachers recognized even just the next day morning , that
                    something deep has changed fully ....   at once with less or fully gone
                    stresses and much more gentleness honesty mindfulness and polite-

           And also the behaviour and consideration of teachers towards their collea-
           gues, between the students and students towards their teachers and the
           staff -  changed too !”

Additionally we have to say -

           that inside of all MATATEC-VASAATHI transformed buildings and plots or  
           areas the two human brain hemispheres are always working together in full
           harmony ,  what´s together with and atmosphere of understanding compas-
           sion and love  (
-  real learning and understanding only functions in at atmosphere of love ...

           -   the most important thing for effective productive learning and working  ...

Also only though MATATEC VASAATHI Transformations, -  all houses buildings and plots are getting for all there living , working or visiting people animals and plants all times and forever Soul-development according beneficial

           That´s a most important fact and advantage  - because on a subconscious
           level everyone and all are knowing to have arrived , here they are protected
           and safe -  and reached and are at home ...

In all non-MATATEC Transformed residencies it´s energetically nowadays just the opposite ;  on energetic levels all our nowadays buildings are fully open and not protecting the AURAs of the people in any way ... whereby they do not strengthen people energetically - but constantly suck them dry ...

And because in MATATEC VASAATHI Transformed houses just any materia or sub-stance  is switching energetically just immediately to the origin ATMIC and VEDANTA state , -  all people and souls  have the inner awareness to be short before the heavens and coming back to themselves  ...

                               So now back as an example of a very special - 
                                             and most beautiful project :

So after inaugurating the future school plot energetically with a jointly celebrated  AGNI HOTRA  -  VYAHRUTI -  and  TRIYAMBAKAM - HOMAM

-    but here not celebrated anywhere as nowadays normally - ;

               but here directly at the measured optimum point of an all overlapping   Golden Frequency r
               radiating and like an Energy Pillar coming out the earth to the sky -  Sun-Point with positive
               Global-Grid system point and Benker-Grid-System Point together with 2 crossing water veins
               underground ... (  -  which is all together highly special and seldom and most beneficial ... )  which
               was located and found just in the middle of the future mainly developed property within a small
               rock formation, which also stands out as a terrain shoulder

a few years before

on January to March 2014, a wide-ranging geomantic landscape transformation and a harmonization and energy-VAASTHU-compliant Telluric and Cosmic plus ATMIC Transformation (
-  plus the alignment and energetic rotation of the school grounds in the north-south axis, etc.) was carried out. - )  in the Energetic Center (
- first to be found precisely, - down to half a millimeter )   of the approx. 2.5 ha school grounds of the

                          Nature Concept School

                                                     of Mudigubba Rayalaseema India, -

was proceeded.

Because such an energetic and spiritual process and proceedure has also a dee-per meaning aim and goal ,

     -       we -  the SHANTIi ANANDA school-management of Mrs. Shanti Helga
              Fruendt and Mr. Horst Wagner the main School Designer  and  MATATEC
              decided to ceate an additional sculpture to explain the inner and deeper 

-    explaining the underlying sacral-spiritual overall philosophy and ethical-social-
                          ecological peace-loving- expressing-representing the ideal culture corresponding
                          to us humans only as worthy ,- and, at best, as a visual and haptic center of expe-
                          rience of the kindergarten and primary school there (
- especially when later shaded with
                               magnificent lower bourgeois vines, - as a reference core of the school park and recreation area be-
                               hind it school park and the recreational lawn behind it -
) - then as a multiple experience - )  

               -     placed and situated  exactly at the school`s overall BRAHMASTHAA-
                      NAM -  or Energetic Center Point -
              so in a more tangible visual and symbolic language. 

Also it was planned to integrate as a research project initially the  VEDIC-AURA - RESEARCH method of the  former highly awarded Indian Nuclear Scientist  Mr. Dr. Murthy Mannem ,  then optimized by the  M A T A T E C - Technology plus ener-getically realized, designed and blessed ;

-    as well as in the resulting subtle-energetic details and subtleties before and after (
- by means of Western and Indian methodology ) precisely measured and ( - including the measu-rement of the energetic groundwater qualities etc. ; - a publication of these investigations may take place at a later date . . .  )   analyzed .

Here now some Impressions

So - if You should be enthusiastic about this and You would like to have - Your own visible or also publicly hidden - special - Energy-VASAATHI - energetic Central Point also for Your city or community, - for Your district, -  for an important institu-tion or for an important large building, -  for a natural reserve or also a country etc. - to establish -

        -      whereby the primary goal here is - to create a healing and sacred-divine
                energy quality for large areas of land together with

                for all living beings to experience and experience further soul and heart-
                adequate fulfilled successful progress

               and ethical-social-ecological peace-loving contented life on earth and
               over the longest possible

               for as long a period of time as possible for the overall good of mankind,
               nature and creation, radiating over millennia

to open up ,

        I`m for anything alike this -   including a regional
         tradition and culture-adequate artistic design ,

           -   possibly also together with other artists,
                  sculptors and urban town planners

                        -   always happy and open !




Case 11


MATATEC - VASAATHI Transformation of the Greenland Ashram

at the Divine feet of ARUNACHALA

Tiruvannamalai / Tamil Nadu India

Coming first time to Tiru – respectively to the ARUNACHALA mountain – revered as the direct incarnation of Lord SHIVA


                                   - the non-manifested ABSOLUTE himself  …

I had looked in the internet for a siutable home or hostel for this time and I´ve just found this cosy SRI SATHYA SAI BABA Ashrama


          -       in the backside of AADI ANNAMALAI –  the for me most beautifully

                  ancient temple all around -  


just in the fields and in the silence far away from the noise and the traffic of the town.


So I was just phoning and „Oh Wonder“ … Mr. André Philippe – the owner of the Ashrama was just on the line and told me that I´m welcome …


So I was looking for the busses and how to manage it to come … actually I was just in Puttaparthy Prasanthi Nilayam and I took the early morning bus – first to Bangalore and then another one – from Bangalore to Tiru …


When I´de arrived with a rikshaw in the late afternoon – nowone was seen –

and the phone-number I had dialed was not functioning  ( -  I dindn´t really understand why

- but afterwards it got clear that we have to add a `0´  ) .


            So I thought what to do here -

            and very short before I was just ready to leave again to find another stay

            anywhere in Tiruvannamalai - , I saw a man coming towards the gate...


             It was André Philippe and he welcomed me nicely and we where 

             and we where walking inside …


Then I thought – maybe most beloved ARUNACHALA is a little bit far – maybe about 4 till 5 km away , - but as soon as I´ve entered and seen`my room´ –  it was just clear –  I would like to stay here definitely - and also maybe longer as planned before  !


          What I didn´t know at this time was ,  that the Greenland Ashrama was fully

          closed for single people always -


                        I –  Mr. Botida F. Meyer was the only excerption for years …


           because this Ashrama also initiated from His Holiness SRI SATHYA SAI BABA

           himself , -   was `normally´ only open for longer time staying Meditation – or

           Yoga-groups with tenth of people etc.


So because I´m nearly always transforming the energy if I´m staying anywhere for some more days and not only for a few hours -


         we –  the two owners André-Philippe and his dear Indian spouce and wife -

         Kiran and myself had a talk where I was explaining them - what I´m doing

         really  …


So very fast it got  ( - especially after I´ve explained that also on their spot – the energetic Center Point – or the BRAHMASTHAAN was far away in the North-East inside of the neighbour´s fields )   clear , that I`m officially heartily invited to proceed whowever I would like to


                       So at first I was asking the Divine ABSOLUTE or Swami – please to

                      create a new and own  BRAHMASTHAANAM for this Ashrama …


                     -     and Thee ABSOLUTE granted it -  with this new energetic Central

                           Point just in the main way of the Praying- and Meditation Hall …


So from here we where able to proceed nicely and everything functioned most hasppily and most beneficial.



Then after leaving and going back to Germany , also André Philippe and Kiran where visiting me at home in Germany , and another year I was asked to `Transform` their family property in Switzerland additionally .


            So I was driving to the Lake Lemant – where his dear parents plus aunties  

            and family was on holidays …


The most interesting thing for me – was   ( -  and this is a most common situation )   that their plot and house in Switzerland was nearly same positioned to the celestial directions -   alike the original energetic situation in the Greenland Ashram  ( - before our Transformation ) …

           It´s very often –  that human beings are surging and finding exactly the same

           alike energetic circumstances again ,  – they have left before - because of a

           subconscious or Karmic pattern …


Okay it was a pleasure for me  to `Transform“  also this building and the connected organic wine fields additionally …


Then back again in India and Tiru in the Greenland Ashram one day I had an idea of how to transform and getting rid of the situation that - whenever a bigger medita-tion group is or was staying for more days inside the Ashrama  ( -  where the owners don´t really know what´s going on … nevertheless the visitors have to follow the minimum Ashram rules .. of not mixing together )  and are going then or leaving

           -     and it´s the same situation in every theater  sport stadium or a

                  congress hall - ;   never to speak about parliaments  etc ... 


that afterwards a huge cloud of emotions or mind-energy is just filling the rooms ; and I would like to try  - to transform them just before they are determining arising or manifesting  ...   -


                               André Phillippe and Kiran aggreed at once -

        it was some bigger measurement and digging and implementing work ... 


but OH WONDER  .... it really functioned !


And now -   Whoever is coming inside the Ashrama there are totally no misty clouds of any mind- and emotion-action anymore  .... 

Therefore -  nearly all fully fulfilled  -  so fully transformed   MATATEC VASAATHI projects are now alltogether connected to the  BRAHMASTHAANAM  of the  Greenland Ashram at the divine feet of  ARUNACHALA SHIVA ... 


who is all the time regulating additionally whatever is happening at home or on site.  

                         -     And even the people and clients don´t have an own 

                                                M A T A T E C  DEVATMA  plate ,

                 which is anyhow no longer necessary thanks to the new approach ...


-     over the Greenland-Ashram  Central Point  every disharmonics are regulated at once and the vanishing of mind and emotion energies could also be granted reversely or additionally !



                                                                   Addendum : 


May some of the dear readers would like to here some more explanations of com-munal or industrial or whatever projects additionally ,


       -        there are ( now over many years of deep researches, practice and experiences ) more and

                 more most interesting stories and occations with MATATEC–Transforma-

                 tions of several farms, -  of a full hospital, -  of a selling garage with noble

                 cars, of several industrial companies – here also one with highly poiso-

                 nous chemicals for galvanization and eloxation and so on and so on  … ; 

                 plus of schools an university campuses and medical practices  ,

                 of several Ashrams and newly built -  and several most ancient Temples

                 and so on

altogether -  at best just look  in the now following chapter  towards and inside to the Benefits of MATATEC VASAATHI ...  


                                                     or again at the web-page

                                                             ` Solutions ´

                     -    just everything depends to the same theme and topic –

                              all results are to find all the time just everywhere …


     the poeple are more friendly happier more gentle more productive and kind …

                 inner stresses and quarrels are highly reduced and or fully gone ,



Home Transformation Benefits

Case  13

The  MATATEC–VASAATHI Transformation  Benefits

Has MATATEC transformed over the years many many projects on site or from far afar , -  from the smallest -  mostly family-emergency projects -   over schools, an university campus, a bigger hospital -   all these mostly as SEVA -


-     till to the large-scale mot comprehensive and complex ones ,


       -      alike a full castle with with many outbuildings and additional facilities and

               everything inside and around several villas looking more alike castles

               than houses


       -      till to whole farms and whole quarter district , ancient cultural places - and

               landscape - projects , 


mostly in Europe ;  -  here especially in Germany Slovenia Switzerland France  

Spain and Sweden , -   but also in India, in Brazil and Singapore 


     -  where there are in the meanwhile hundreds of most exiting experiences : 

                                                       So - now to the

                                      MATATEC – VASAATHI


1.             Clients primarily notice immediate positive effects on health, work, sleep

                and well-being, as various disturbing stress factors have been greatly

                reduced or - as if by magic hands - for most people completely inexpli-

                cable - completely eliminated.

2.             Long-standing fears, stresses or pains ( - also caused by nearby mobile phone

                    transmitters ) have often dissolved completely unexpectedly - thank God -


3.             Family conflicts or stress factors and personal points of friction - also in

                companies and schools - are resolved almost immediately and teachers

                notice that they themselves and also their pupils become more good-

                natured, relaxed, cheerful, polite and gentle.

4.            Strongly recurring or repetitive nightmares, also of children, have stopped

                and disappeared immediately ( -  as have penetrating earwigs, by the way ).

5.            Likewise, so-called "energetic attacks" or "energetic assaults" on our

               clients have mostly disappeared immediately.

6.            The brain-hemispheres are through MATATEC working together always 

                fully harmoniously

7.             Better and higher quality and quantity growth with plants and higher

                healthy yields ,

8.            We had recognized healthier and more relaxed happier animals -  here 

               also with horses -

9.            All dissonant energies are just vanishing- 


10.          Clients are feeling themselves  sometimes first time in their life
               -  really at home !

11.          All substances all kind of matter plus fluids gases and so on  ( - thus also all

                   goods or foodstuff plus instruments machines or any apparatuses in the industry or shops

               are   - with only some excerptions  ( - of what is really poisonous and non-satvic ... 


               -    energetically changing fully to supramental healing powers !

12.           Computers and other technologies ( -  as also all vehicles and cars )  are getting

                fully calm and are thus loosing most of their otherwise horrible interferen-

                ce behaviours

13.          All horses, dogs, pets and plants are all loving the achieved   MATATEC-

               VASAATHI energy ,

14.          Where the houses and flats are getting first time for everyone and all

               Soul-development according beneficial and optimum !

15,          Buildings houses and properties are getting first time fully separated

               from neighbours´ or ancient karma influences and also energetically

               protected and closed !

16.          Houses are afterwards looking more round, more friendly,much lighter,

                -      sometimes also getting another smell or looking to have got another

                        more happy color ...

17.          People are more happy , relaxed polite kindly and friendly and in a positive

               and spiritual way -  also much more free and productive

18.         Whatever is coming from outside inside the MATATEC "AUM" energy field

              is switching towards more harmony and health ...  even all foodstuff is

              changing its energetic potential immediately 

19.                 There was no single case of any decline ....


20.         With MATATEC-VASAATHI the energy is always getting

                                     stronger and stronger !


21.           Moreover MATATEC has found a way even to `transform´ also the some-

                times rising subtle emotional and thought energies immediately  , what´s

                most important not only for med. practices but also for municipal offices or

                authorities, law firms and`for all most difficult event-buildings like confe-

                rence halls  and so on ...

22.          With MATATEC on physical levels  ( -  what means how to use the rooms and entran-

                    ces or the actual how the familiar and cherished furnishings and technical equipment, machines

                    and  appliances )  -   everything could in principle stay like it is ...

23.          The most complex VASTU situations  ( -  including severe slopes , wrong entrances´

                    directions  or whatever else...)  are changing through MATATEC-VASAATHI nearly

                automatically towards the most healthy and beneficial optimum !

24.           Buildings and Houses and Properties are getting first time fully separated

                 from neighbours energetic-´ or ancient karma influences and also ener-

                 getically protected and closed !

                 This that sounds very profane and simple ... Nevertheless, our homes

                 today - no matter how luxurious - no matter where in the world - are

                 mostly completely open and therefore also subtly non-protective and

                 counterproductive in terms of subtle energy.

25.          Med. Doctors and Therapeuts have recognized an encreased healing

               effect  with all their apparatuses and medicines ...  where even patients are

               changing  ...

               Also they are protected from strange subtle energies , not to take them in

               into their families after work and service.

26.          Most astinishing MATATEC has also found a way to seperate the subtle-

                energetic energy-focus for the subconciousness of the clients  ... that the

                owners´energy and tennants´energies are fully seperated and not impac-

                ting each other anymore   

27.           Med Doctors Healers and alternative practitioners perceive again and

                again a completely enlightening and pleasing non-dual supra-mental

                sacred healing energy field, which is completely at rest in itself, even in

                their practice rooms,

                 -       which despite the most strenuous treatment activities (
- even of patients

                                  or disease.and disorder pictures that are not always easy to handle energetically  now-

                                  adays ),  it is nevertheless always stable and pleasant and protective

                           as well as invigorating - and

                  -        also protecting med. doctors and therapists from absorbing and

                            passing on external energies  ( -  what´s also relevant and most important

                                    for other.scientifically hard working people and other occupational categories ; - 

                                    whereby it is also always important not to bring any foreign energies with you into 

                                    the family-life ) ,

                  is powerfully supportive and essential - and is thus far more than helpful.


28.           Is  M A T A T E C – VASAATHI  ( - never going against anything , - )  always blessing

                 what´s nice and good on higher levels – the result is also – that for the

                 less pleasing entities -

                            M A T A T E C  - transformed  houses and areas are

                                                        - a complete NO-GO ... ;

                 -       whereby they  - as we have often been told without being asked - 

                          like to stay maximum outside,  or wait there for their previous hosts - 

                          then ( - due to the effect of the sacral energy field also on these people )   but

                          mostly in vain and unsuccessfully.

29.          So also so called Black Magic Issues have no chance any more, and long

               lasting occupations and hauntings of retarded souls ( - even in former cemeteries

                   of cultic sites and in war zones or historical as well as upon prehistoric battlefields ; - as.well as

                   often highly oppressive residual energies of pain and suffering in hospitals ; -  or as a result of

                   historical violence and crimes ;)  have completely disappeared again


              -        thanks to  M A T A T E C – VASAATHI   with highly astonishing, -

                       almost unbelievable astonishing experiences of those previously

                       affected by them , -   or often suffering for many years - partly also

                       with recurring severe paranormal occurrences.


 30.           All previous clients, - but far more the really sensitive ones, - or also the

                  people who had been seriously afflicted for years, - never want to miss

                  their M A T A T E C - transformed  premises, vehicles and houses never

                 again ,

-   they are happy again and again -  and from the heart ,


                 after a long working day somewhere else , - or also hurrying around in

                 today's  usual frequencies` confusion and permanent stress ,

               afterwards - also  " through M A T A T E C – VASAATHI "

               -   to actually be allowed to come home to oneself -

                       and to relax there most happily and deeply .

If You`ll like -  here also the Benefits Agriculture


                                            Concluding Remarks : 

Has MATATEC now also recovered and found the way to solve most of the VAASTU – and VASAATHI challenges through a special –  in future also online with all paricipants jointly proceeded Meditation   ( - also internationally offered as the `MATATEC DEVATMA Online Meditation´ ) ;


MATATEC is now open to solve and clear the most complex projects on large scales of the energy quality whole cities districts or whatever … !


                                            So welcome to Contact us , -

            or see in the MATATEC DEVATMA Online- Meditation shedule …



To All of YOU







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